How is it possible that people who have heard the message of repentance and have “seemingly” turned to follow Jesus...can still be in danger of being told to depart from Him?
Are You Saved or Self-deceived?
Salvation Hangs On The Cross
If that thief found salvation on the Cross, so can you! Christ’s atonement is sufficient to save you as well.
Therefore Go – A Command Not A Suggestion
Evangelism is clear, we warn people about sin, we share the gospel with them, and we call them to repent and believe in the gospel.
Forget None Of His Benefits
Oh soul, forget none of God’s gracious benefits! The Psalmist stirred up himself to bless the Lord and we too must do likewise, for great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!
The Blessing and Duty of Corporate Worship
Our Triune God is gracious and deeply loves his people. Corporate worship is one of the principal duties and blessings God has given to his church.
The True Riches of the Gospel
The gospel is not about material wealth in this life. Yet, God is a God of great mercy and love to his people. To those who are struggling in poverty and other trials, look to the Lord for relief.
How To Spot A False Prophet
When a man claims to have heard from God and prophesies (about the future), the only way to tell he really did hear from God who cannot shoot and miss, is that what he says happens, just as he said it would.
I’m Sorry, We Are Not Christians
I have been a worker of iniquity, a lover of my sins, and a different gospel. Dear friend, we have believed a false gospel. And we preached that false gospel. We are not Christians! I write this letter to you in tears.
The Prophets And The Coronavirus
The Bible insists that all of this has happened, at the time that it did, in the way it did... ultimately because God ordained for it to be so.
The Fear Of Coronavirus Does Not Save
It is important to realize that fear itself does not save. Rather, what saves a soul is the balm of the gospel applied to the fearful heart.