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Death, Thou Shalt Die

Why did Jesus weep? Actually, the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus recount different times when Jesus was moved to tears. For example, he was moved to tears over the hardness of the heart of the people of Jerusalem, despite his ministry to them (Luke 19:41). Jesus also wept at the garden of Gethsemane (Hebrews 5:7-9). However, for most people, when they hear about Jesus weeping, their minds...

5 Ways To Keep Your New Year Resolutions To The Glory Of God

Happy New Year! Or should I rather have said, “New Year, New You”? It is a New Year and that means for many of us, it is a time when we are forced to review our lives and try to change things that we know aren’t working, or start to do new things that we know will improve our lives. This is especially important for us Christians who live in light of eternity and know that our time is short, and...

A New Year’s Charge

It is a new year, and as is usually the case, there is a surge of optimism in us that all will be well. Somehow, our minds seem to be conditioned to switch from despair, hopelessness, and pessimism once the clock chimes 12 o’clock on January 1. Even the irreligious will say to themselves, “old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.”  We all like fresh starts and nothing stirs...

How Can I Rejoice In My Suffering II

Rejoice in the Lord (Phil 3:1); Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil 4:4); Rejoice always (1 Thess 5:16). This is the will of God for all His children. But, like we acknowledged last time, we all suffer. Some great, some small, but we all suffer. And the pervasiveness of suffering and trials can give us the impression that the command and encouragement to rejoice always, is only possible when all is...

How Can I Rejoice In My Suffering 1

People suffer! That is a fact. Especially if you live in Lagos State, Nigeria, and have to work outside your home. Some big, some small, but suffering exists, and it’s pervasive. It was Elizabeth Elliot who famously said: …suffering is anything from a burnt toast to losing a loved one (paraphrased). Her point is that suffering is in various degrees. And that I am not suffering to your...

Jesus Could Not Do Many Miracles In Nazareth II

In the first part of this article, we looked at what our text in Mark 6:1-6 means and what it does not mean. This part contains examples of God overruling unbelief and accomplishing His will… Some examples of God acting despite unbelief Help my unbelief! Jesus healed the demon-possessed boy in Mark 9 even though his father didn’t really believe: Immediately the father of the child...

Jesus Could Not Do Many Miracles In Nazareth

The Problem Just over a week ago I saw a friend’s WhatsApp status which stated: “the limitations in a man’s mind can overrule God’s plans for him.” A hardcore Pentecostal Pastor & motivational preacher, my friend was merely rehashing classic Word of Faith teaching which I’d heard too many times, in several forms and from different sources. I felt compelled to respond, at which point he said...

Doctrines Of Grace: An Introduction

Over the next few weeks, I will be writing on The Doctrines of Grace; I’ll be answering questions I have gotten and other common questions on each of the doctrines. So, without further ado, I’ll introduce the subject. What are the Doctrines of Grace? The Doctrines of Grace are the doctrines that describe man’s condition, by and after the fall, and the way God saves man from...

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