Do not expect to grow in holiness if you spend little time alone with God and do not take His word seriously.
Why Read Your Bible and Pray Every Day (in 500 words)
The Practice Of Sanctification
Christian must focus on the basics of holiness and work consistently and repetitively. First on the areas of personal weakness and then solidify your strengths.
Vicarious Spirituality vs Personal Holiness
Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness
500 Words On- The Election Of God To Salvation
Election is God’s decree whereby of His own free will, he hath ordained certain men to salvation, to the praise of the glory of His grace.
Are The Power Gifts Still With Us Today? Conclusion
A summary of the points A) The Power to Work Miracles was cake for special occasions and purposes, not bread for everyday consumption. To maintain a Continuationist position, you will have to show from scripture that the Power to Work Miracles in Bible times, were not only for special purposes and missions, but were commonplace and for general, everyday use and benefit. B) I asserted that Christ...
Are The Power Gifts Still With Us Today? Evidence From Church History
The recorded history of the Church has something to tell us about the sign gifts…Let’s consider this along with every other thing we know. Admittedly, appealing to Church History or the majority view in church history, while useful in this debate, is essentially an appeal to experience and uninspired testimony (compared to the Apostles & Prophets) rather than to scripture alone...
The Result Of The Apostles’ Work Was A Fully Delivered And Verified Gospel Message
Therefore all that is left for us believers is to place our faith in it – bank our very lives on it - obey it, live by it and guard it from distortion, addition, or subtraction, including updates of any kind.
The Miracles in Bible Times were primarily done by the Apostles
Missing this -that miracles in the Bible were done by Apostles- will mean completely misunderstanding the purpose of the book of Acts
The Biblical Purpose Of Miracles, Signs, and Wonders
The purpose was so that whoever reads will BELIEVE the message of the Gospel introduced by Christ and his appointed representatives.
Christ, The Apostles & Prophets As The Foundation Of God’s Building (Ephesians 2)
Just as the Gospel/Christian Faith was delivered ONCE for all time (Jude 1:3), so there will never be another set of people like Christ and his Apostles and Prophets.