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Continuationists and Cessationists, Together in Harmony

The Great “battle” between Christians of opposing views with regard to the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit has raged on since Lord knows when exactly. The gifts in question include miracles, healings, prophecy (bringing new revelations, not proclaiming already revealed ones), speaking in tongues unlearned foreign languages, the interpretation of tongues unlearned foreign languages, and the...

What is the Gospel?

In many Christian churches in Nigeria today, the sad reality is that the gospel–the good news that is central to the Christian faith–is not being preached. From my observation, the biggest reason is the assumption that everyone who comes to church already knows what the gospel is. While it is true that church goers have a general idea of what the gospel is about i.e. believing in Jesus Christ as...

Thoughts on Voting Wisely

In less than a month, Nigerians will be voting to elect five sets of new representatives that would serve as our leaders for the next four years. As we think about our voting options, it is important to remind the injunction of Paul that we as Christians must try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord (Eph 5:10) in every area of our lives including in how we approach the elections...

The Christmas Story

Growing up, it appeared to me like there were so many different, can’t-be-merged-together stories about the birth of Jesus. But after I was able to make sense of all the stories reported in Mathew and Luke, it has been my desire to share with anyone as confused as I was growing up. Here is my attempt to help you make sense of all the many stories surrounding the birth of Jesus as revealed in...

Who Is Christmas About?

It is easy to get into the Christmas spirit, put up our trees and lights, sing our carols, and not meditate or even remember that our celebration is because of the humiliation of the eternal Son of God, co-equal with the Father in essence and substance. This article isn’t meant to dampen your Christmas spirit, no. It is to direct your hearts and minds to spare a moment in your celebration to...

Faith: The Irreducible Simplicity

Irreducible what? In Christian apologetics, one of the arguments used as a proof point for the existence of God is what is called irreducible complexity. What this means is that natural selection (or evolution) cannot explain the development and cooperation of certain complex organs or systems of animals and humans, therefore there is no way those systems evolved from a simpler form, they had to...

Have I Come To Christ?

In my recent meditations about my country Nigeria, I realized the darkness had gotten darker than when I was much younger. This is perplexing because there are more churches now than when I was a child. So how is it that that hasn't translated into light chasing away the darkness in this great country?

Witnessing In The Workplace

Setting the Scene Just before his ascension, Jesus’ final command to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19). By extension, this command applies to us Christians this day to preach the gospel and make disciples wherever we find ourselves. Today, I will be sharing what I have learned about myself...

Christian, Stop Stealing

A few years ago, I was caught stealing. The electricity utility company that served my home at that time correctly alleged that my three neighbors and I, for many years, had been bypassing the installed electricity meter and using free electricity to operate our water pumping machine. They cut off our electricity supply and slammed us with a large bill for arrears that we had to quickly settle...

Five Important Lessons I’ve Learned In The Past 12 Months

Hello dear reader, welcome to the year 2022. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to look back over the course of the previous twelve months and measure metrics we had resolved to track in the year. For some of us, it is how much we have grown our knowledge of God or how we have grown in stature. In any case, having a year to look back in a reflective mood is always a blessing. In...

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