500 Words On- The Election Of God To Salvation


What is Election?

Election, as used in the bible, is God’s decree whereby of His own free will, he hath ordained certain men to salvation, to the praise of the glory of His grace. (The Order of Salvation and Damnation by William Perkins)

The word election means “to choose” or “pick out”. The bible teaches about election ubiquitously and unapologetically: Matt 24:22, 24, 31; Col 3:12; 2Thess 2:13; 2Tim 2:10; Tit 1:1 -seeing the volume of bible verses, we shouldn’t be uncomfortable with the teaching either.

So does God choose people for Himself to save? YES!

Why does He elect some?

  1. He does this because He is God. Being God, he is under no obligation to give an account of matters to anyone. The bible tells us that God does things for His glory. He only does what makes Him appear most glorious. Anything God decrees and its manifestation aims at manifesting the glory of God.
  2. We CAN’T come to Him.  God demands total and perfect conformity to His law ALL of the time and he who would come to God must be that-perfect. God doesn’t grade on a curve, perfect means perfect. And since the bible tells us that NOONE seeks after God (Rom3:11) and NOONE can come to God (John6:44) if any would be saved, then God must intervene.

Why does He not elect all?

  1. This question presupposes that God is indebted to anyone, He isn’t. He doesn’t owe love nor grace to sinful humans. I don’t see why a righteous God should be loving toward a person who hates Him anyway.
  2. This question doesn’t take into account that election is by grace and grace by definition is not obligated. If it is, it is no longer grace.

Since God isn’t under obligation to save anyone, saving some doesn’t obligate saving all. Just like I am not under any obligation to buy all the apples when I go to the market (not a great example, but you get the point).

Is it unfair?

God doesn’t treat all men equally, no doubt. But you can’t deny He is just!

To have mercy on some isn’t injustice. No one gets injustice. Some get what they deserve for their sins, and some get mercy instead. No one gets injustice.

“God reserves the right to executive clemency”

Chosen by God, Sproul


  1. If God is not pleased to dispense His saving mercy to all men, then I must submit to His Holy and righteous decision
  2. We are saved by grace and that grace is available to anyone who calls upon the name of the LORD (Acts 4:12; Rom 10:13)
  3. If you’ve received mercy and grace, praise God deeply
  4. He chose you, don’t return to a life of sin.

“Be sure that if you’re not growing in holiness, you’re not elect, you’re still in your sins”

Ephesians, Boice

About the author

Oluwadamilare Sobanjo

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