Knowing there are uncertainties ahead of us and aware of the truth that we can do nothing without God’s help, let us draw near to God, echoing the prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Praying From John17
On Fasting
Fasting is defined as the wilful refrainment from eating and or drinking for a specific period of time for a spiritual purpose.
Are The Power Gifts Still With Us Today? III
The Apostles – what was their purpose? Why did Jesus call them? So far we have covered what Cessationism is and isn’t, who The Apostles were and the uniqueness of their position, and the power that came with it. Today, we’ll be looking at why The Apostles were special. Scripture is abundantly clear about the purpose for this office or gift to the Church. 1. They were to...
Are The Power Gifts Still With Us Today? II
Let’s recap; We’re still talking about the power gifts, people who believe the power gifts are no longer with us are called cessationists, we went over what cessationism is and isn’t. Today, we will be talking about who wielded these power gifts. The Apostles and Prophets What or Who is an Apostle? Apostle – a “sent” one, an envoy, ambassador, emissary, agent, or messenger commissioned to carry...
Are The Power Gifts Still With Us Today?
Cessationism recognizes and upholds the “specialness” and uniqueness of the Spirit’s works in times past and emphasizes the purpose for those outbursts of divine power in the History of God's dealings with Man.
The #Endsars Protest And Human Corruption
Our corrupt nature, our sin, and our spiritual death that we inherited at birth is the reason why we are so corrupt and this corruption has extended to our society.
The Christian And The #endsars Protest, Part II
God is never the author of evil, these wicked men are totally responsible. But God is powerful enough to use evil for good.
The Christian And The #endsars Protest, Part 1
By the work of Christ and our faith in His person and work, we have not only been justified but also adopted as God’s children and we have the benefit of His presence.
The Happy Man, Part 1
A happy man doesn’t live his life on the counsel or advice from people/mediums who do not regard God or consider His word as the manual for life.
What The First African Anglican Bishop Can Teach Us About Preaching To Muslims
After many years' experience, I have found that the Bible, the sword of the Spirit, must fight its own battle, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.