For whoever still presents the members of his body (including thoughts and words) to sin as instruments of unrighteousness never died with Jesus, nor was buried with him, nor rose with Him to a new life.
What believing in the Resurrection means for you
Reflecting on the Death of Christ
When Jesus cried out “It is finished!” he declared that his atoning work was complete. All the sins of those who put their trust in him had been paid for; they had been washed clean!
How Do You Think About Prayer?
You cannot put stock in fleeting things when your Father- who is omnipotent has asked you to bring everything that worries you to him
What Is True Repentance?
Biblical repentance isn’t ashamed of admitting wrong and changing the course of one’s life, it rather delights in God more than the feeling of shame from admitting wrong and changing your life.
The Christian and Coronavirus
Dear Christian, we live in a world of uncertainty and hardship. Let your trust be in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, our source of strength.
Yours Now, His Always and Forever
Do you hear the Gospel and the necessity of repentance from sin preached but still you delay in responding appropriately because you perceive you can do it at a later time in your life?
Amazing Grace
You see, being morally upright, going to church and serving in church does not make one a Christian.
Praying like an idol worshiper
The Church Missionary Society (CMS) of the Church of England was the first to bring the gospel to Nigeria. The society arrived in Badagry in 1842 and eventually set up a mission base in Abeokuta in July 1846. Listen to this account by Sarah Tucker about Abeokuta in 1854: Their idols are of clay, or wood, or metal, and several are generally placed in one particular room in the house, where...
The life of Judah- an incredible conversion story! (2)
God has the power to change the hearts of sinful people. People like you and me.
The life of Judah- an incredible conversion story! (1)
Repentance and conversion are not the results of our work. Rather, it is evidence that conversion is first the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian.