AuthorOluwadamilare Sobanjo

The Christmas Story


Growing up, it appeared to me like there were so many different, can’t-be-merged-together stories about the birth of Jesus. But after I was able to make sense of all the stories reported in Mathew and Luke, it has been my desire to share with anyone as confused as I was growing up. Here is my attempt to help you make sense of all the many stories surrounding the birth of Jesus as revealed in...

Who Is Christmas About?


It is easy to get into the Christmas spirit, put up our trees and lights, sing our carols, and not meditate or even remember that our celebration is because of the humiliation of the eternal Son of God, co-equal with the Father in essence and substance. This article isn’t meant to dampen your Christmas spirit, no. It is to direct your hearts and minds to spare a moment in your celebration to...

Have I Come To Christ?


In my recent meditations about my country Nigeria, I realized the darkness had gotten darker than when I was much younger. This is perplexing because there are more churches now than when I was a child. So how is it that that hasn't translated into light chasing away the darkness in this great country?

How Can I Rejoice In My Suffering II


Rejoice in the Lord (Phil 3:1); Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil 4:4); Rejoice always (1 Thess 5:16). This is the will of God for all His children. But, like we acknowledged last time, we all suffer. Some great, some small, but we all suffer. And the pervasiveness of suffering and trials can give us the impression that the command and encouragement to rejoice always, is only possible when all is...

How Can I Rejoice In My Suffering 1


People suffer! That is a fact. Especially if you live in Lagos State, Nigeria, and have to work outside your home. Some big, some small, but suffering exists, and it’s pervasive. It was Elizabeth Elliot who famously said: …suffering is anything from a burnt toast to losing a loved one (paraphrased). Her point is that suffering is in various degrees. And that I am not suffering to your...

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